Royal Idioms
Queen Elizabeth. Prince Harry, Michael Jackson, and Beyonce. There is something common with these people; they are considered royalties. In the English language, there are a couple of meanings the…
Impossible is for the unwilling
Queen Elizabeth. Prince Harry, Michael Jackson, and Beyonce. There is something common with these people; they are considered royalties. In the English language, there are a couple of meanings the…
In most countries, it’s the official start of the fall season especially when you are living in the Northern hemisphere. It’s such a behold to witness the colors changing of…
One of the best ways to sound close to a native speaker is to use idioms in casual conversations and there is a lot in the English Language. This week,…
Human emotions are varied and really hard to understand. There are certain feelings in a particular situation that we cannot simply describe. John Koenig created the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows…
The English language is a difficult language to learn. Most of the time, words in their written form can be tricky. Unlike some languages where you write what you hear,…
English is a confusing language indeed. And spelling seems to be a minor thing but believe it or not, it’s one of the most problematic issues we deal with. Bad…
LEARN ENGLISH ONLINE (ENGLISH LESSON) ♣LEARN Phrasal Verbs and expression WITH US ! ♣BE A FLUENT ENGLISH SPEAKER IN NO TIME WITH 11TALK~ No Offense. Meaning: –> An expression used…
LEARN ENGLISH ONLINE (ENGLISH LESSON) ♣ LEARN Phrasal Verbs and expression WITH US! ♣ BEA FLUENT ENGLISH SPEAKER IN NO TIME WITH 11TALK ~ You Never Know! (Expression) Meaning: Not…
LEARN ENGLISH ONLINE (ENGLISH LESSON) ♣LEARN Phrasal Verbs and expression WITH US ! ♣BE A FLUENT ENGLISH SPEAKER IN NO TIME WITH 11TALK~ Time Flies ? Meaning: Time passes quickly.…
LEARN ENGLISH ONLINE (ENGLISH LESSON) ♣LEARN Phrasal Verbs and expression WITH US ! ♣BE A FLUENT ENGLISH SPEAKER IN NO TIME WITH 11TALK~ Give Away (verb) Meaning: –> Give something…
LEARN ENGLISH ONLINE (ENGLISH LESSON) ♣LEARN Phrasal Verbs and expression WITH US ! ♣BE A FLUENT ENGLISH SPEAKER IN NO TIME WITH 11TALK~ Seize the day ?Meaning: Make the most…
LEARN ENGLISH ONLINE (ENGLISH LESSON) ♣LEARN Phrasal Verbs and expression WITH US! ♣BE A FLUENT ENGLISH SPEAKER IN NO TIME WITH 11TALK~ Knowledge is power. ?Meaning: No great thing can…
LEARN ENGLISH ONLINE (ENGLISH LESSON) ♣LEARN Phrasal Verbs and expression WITH US ! ♣BE A FLUENT ENGLISH SPEAKER IN NO TIME WITH 11TALK~ Look before you leap. ? Meaning: When…
LEARN ENGLISH ONLINE (ENGLISH LESSON) ♣LEARN Phrasal Verbs and expression WITH US ! ♣BE A FLUENT ENGLISH SPEAKER IN NO TIME WITH 11TALK~ Learn to walk before you run. ?Meaning:…