In most countries, it’s the official start of the fall season especially when you are living in the Northern hemisphere. It’s such a behold to witness the colors changing of deciduous trees in this season. It’s indeed like magic to see leaves changing from green to yellow-brown and rustic reds. This week, we are going to share idioms inspired by this season.

There are lots of English phrases and idioms connected with Autumn that are very useful. Here are a few:

An Old Chestnut

Meaning: means an old issue or problem that has not been solved or has not gone away and from time to time is resurrected.

Example: My friend occasionally brings up the argument we had about our days playing football. Which of us was the better footballer? It is an old chestnut and is never going to go away.

Sample Dialogue:

A: You look upset. Is everything all right?

B: I’m fine but John got on my nerves again.

A: Oh, what happened?

B: He kept on bringing up when I won the singing competition. He kept on saying that I just won by a point. I have already forgotten about that but it seems like an old chestnut to him.  

To Drive Someone Nuts

Meaning: if you drive someone nuts it means you irritate or annoy them

Example: It drives me nuts when people are constantly clicking their pen.

Sample Dialogue:

A: You look upset. Is everything all right?

B: I’m fine but John got on my nerves again.

A: Oh, what happened?

B: He kept on rearranging the books. It’s driving me nuts. It’s difficult to find the textbooks that I need.

To Turn Over a New Leaf

Meaning: to make a new start a fresh start

Example: I’m going to turn over a new leaf and start again. I’ll find a new job and get a new boyfriend and make new friends.

Sample Dialogue:

A:  I heard Paul Carter has gotten out of prison.

B: Really? Good for him.

A: Yeah. But I hope he will turn over a new leaf and try to become a better human being.

B: You can say that again!

To Take a Leaf Out of Somebody Else’s Book

Meaning: to behave or to do something in a way that someone else would

Example: Lisa has taken a leaf out of Jenny’s book when she has learned about her good deeds.

Sample Dialogue:

A: Goodness. What happened to the house? Why is it untidy?

B: John and Mary are having an argument.

A: Where are they?

B: John went out to calm down while Mary is taking a page out of her husband’s book by going into television.

A: Don’t you think they are being so childish?

It’s Raining Cats and Dogs

Meaning: it’s raining very heavily

Example: During the autumn months it’s raining cats and dogs, so make sure you wear your raincoat and take your umbrella.

Sample Dialogue:

A: What’s the weather like outside?

B: Hmm. It’s raining cats and dogs.

A: Oh, I should get an umbrella before I go.

To Squirrel Away

Meaning: to hide or store something for later

Example: He squirreled away a nice sum of money over the early summer and was able to buy his wife a nice winter present.

Sample Dialogue

A: Hey, Patrick and I will be going to an outdoor concert this weekend. Wanna come?

B: I think I’m gonna pass.

A: Oh, why so?

B: I’m actually squirreling away some money I could spend soon.

A: Are you planning to buy something?

B: I’m planning to travel around Europe.

A: Wow, I hope you have a good time, then.

A Rainy Day

Meaning: a day when we really need some extra cash

Example: Many people who receive end-of-year bonuses either pay down their bills or save for a rainy day.

Sample Dialogue:

A: You’re going shopping again?

B: Well, yeah. Is there anything wrong?

A: None. But a piece of advice, you shouldn’t be acting like a one-day billionaire. You should also save for a rainy day.

B: You’re absolutely right. Don’t worry. I’m already trying to manage my finances.