Rain, a natural phenomenon worldwide, brings annoyance and comfort to people, which differ in the circumstances. It has a distinct power to disrupt and destroy. Therefore, people tend to be more alert and cautious during the rainy season.

Inactivity is one of the effects the rain can bring. It can pause a class or work, postpone a deadline, and delay an urgent matter. However, with 11Talk, the learning continues; you can still study English online while waiting for the rain to disappear. With that, discover new vocabulary you can practice and memorize through this week’s 4-part informative blog post.
The Word of the Week, “downpour,” kick-starts the first part of the free English lessons.

Downpour is a noun that means heavy rain and a lot of rain in a short time. You can use cloudburst, downfall, rainfall, rainstorm, storm, and thunderstorm as synonyms. In contrast, drizzle, mist, mizzle, rainshower, sprinkle, and shower are its antonyms.
Here are three sample sentences you can use in practice:
- The rain became a downpour on my way to school.
- Bring your umbrella; there’s a storm.
- The rainfall caused the delay in our flight back home.
Below are the sample conversations for the sample sentences:
Jude: Why are you soaking?
Leah: The rain became a downpour on my way to school.
Jude: Oh. That’s why you should always bring your umbrella.
Bryce: Dad, what time will you come back?
Marshall: Around 2 PM. Why?
Bryce: To remind you to bring your umbrella; there’s a storm.
Marshall: Oh, thank you, Son!
Hannah: I thought you’d be back early last night.
Reece: I thought so too. But, the rainfall caused the delay in our flight back home.
Hannah: That’s unfortunate.
Reece: Yes. But better safe than sorry.
The second part is the three Useful Expressions Related to Rain:

- “As right as rain;”
— This expression means to be healthy, fit, and well. You can also use it to describe something in good working order, a correct idea, or a process that flows smoothly.
- “Come rain or shine;”
— This relates to an action, activity, or event that will continue no matter the weather is; whether it rains or not— to fulfill a commitment to something regardless of the circumstances.
- “The rain is pelting down.”
— This means that the rain is coming down quickly in large amounts.
The four samples of Idioms of the Week represent the third part of this week’s lessons.

- “Raining cats and dogs!”
— If it is raining cats and dogs, it is raining unusually or unbelievably hard.
- “Take a rain check.”
— This idiom indicates politely refusing an offer or invitation; a different way to say that you would like to accept it but at a different time.
- “When it rains, it pours.”
— This idiom suggests that similar events follow one another; when something terrible happens, other bad things usually co-occur. However, it can also mean a positive context.
- “Save for a rainy day.”
— This idiom suggests saving some of your money in case of future serious problems.
The last part highlights the Advanced English Words: the Pluviophile, Petrichor, Hyetal, and Deluge.

A Pluviophile is a person who enjoys rain and rainy days; someone who is fascinated by the sights, sounds, and seasons of rain.
Petrichor describes the distinctive and pleasant smell of the rain, which lingers when rain falls after prolonged dry weather.
Hyetal is a unique word that means relating to rain or rainy regions.
Deluge means drenching rain or heavy rainfall.
There you have it: Vocabulary Related To Rain!
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