Learn English Online| Daily Expression”Pig Out”|11talk
Have you ever felt stressed and all you want to do is eat a lot? This is how exactly it is to pig out. Most people call this as bingeing…
Impossible is for the unwilling
Have you ever felt stressed and all you want to do is eat a lot? This is how exactly it is to pig out. Most people call this as bingeing…
Have you ever felt stressed and all you want to do is eat a lot? This is how exactly it is to pig out. Most people call this as bingeing…
안녕하세요. 스트레스를 많이 받아서 음식을 평소보다 더많이 먹은적이 있으신가요? 오늘의 표현은 위의 상황에서 쓰기 딱 좋은 표현입니다. Pig out 이라는 표현 인데요. 해당표현은 음식을 먹기 전에 많이 사용을 하는 표현입니다.…
Have you ever felt stressed and all you want to do is eat a lot? This is how exactly it is to pig out. Most people call this as bingeing…
안녕하세요! 오늘은. 좋은 사람을 표현할수 있는 문장을 알려드리겠습니다! “Down to earth”라는 문장인데요. 뜻은 “허영심 없이 겸손하면서 진솔한 사람” 을 뜻합니다. 수강생님들은 Down to earth 한 친구분이 있으신가요? 아니면 자신이 Down…
안녕하세요. 수강생 여러분들은 일을 빨리 처리 하거나 부주의 하게 진행해서 실수를 한적이 있으신가요? 오늘의 표현은 부주의 하여 실수를 할 것 같을 때와 실수를 안 만들게 하기 위해 미리 주의를 줄…
“Either and or ” go together when it comes to suggesting affirmative choices. How about neither and nor? Neither and nor are to be used together when one relays information…
There are a lot of ways to make your English conversation interesting. One of the best ways to enjoy your holiday is to have a conversation with you. In this…
Bored (focuses on describing one’s feeling towards uninteresting situation) Situation: Renata asked Jerome the reason why he’s leaving town sooner than expected Renata: Jerome , I thought you will stay…
Say Situation 1: On her last day in the Philippines , Jenny wants to express her appreciation to her mentor who never gave up on coaching her to become the…
Expression: “Easier said than done” Meaning: It’s easy to say something but hard to put into practice. This English lesson is for those who have just started making their resolutions.…
Why choose Pinestalking 11talk for learning English online? Find out and take 1 free class with us! Using our recommended daily expressions and some proverbial phrases will make you a…
Two wrongs don’t make a right It is not acceptable to do something bad to someone just because he/she had wronged you Revenge is not acceptable SENTENCE: You cannot keep…
Adventurous (Adjective) Meaning :Willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences. Sentence Jonathon is also adventurous when it comes to fashion ideas; he is not…
Remarkable adj: extraordinary , exceptional , amazing , SENTENCE: I had a remarkable summer vacation in the Philippines DIALOGUE: Situation 1: Sharing travel details to friends Oliver : You look…