
IELTS Speaking Tip #3:

Make sure to achieve cohesion and organized answers in your speaking test. The topic is HOLIDAYS, and the instruction is to describe a holiday you recently had. It’s a pretty easy topic if you think about it.

For sure, you have been on holiday before. In this case, you have to relax, gather all your thoughts and think about the events on your last holiday. You can start by saying something like this:
“I would like to talk about the holiday I spent on a small island in the Philippines called Cebu just a few months ago. I went there with two of my best friends because we love the beach, and we heard Cebu island has the best beaches in the Philippines.”

Next, you should describe how you traveled to the place. You can start your sentence with something like this:
“It took three flights to get to Mactan island. Even though it took about 5-6 hours for us to arrive, all the flights went without much trouble.”

The next thing you could talk about are the activities you did during the holiday. Start by saying something like this:
“We only had a few days planned for this trip, so we made sure to do as much as we can. First, we went island hopping and snorkeling. We also went diving since there were great diving spots on the island as well. Before leaving, we had a chance to tour the city and visit historical spots.”

Lastly, end your answer by explaining if you enjoyed it. The ending is just as important as the beginning, so wrap up your answer by saying something like this:

“We enjoyed this short holiday. Cebu has spectacular beaches, and the locals are very kind. My friends and I got a taste of what the Philippines has to offer, and it was indeed a memorable trip for us. If I have the time to go on another trip, I would most likely go back to Cebu island to explore more.”

Try following this structure and come up with your sentences. Expand each prompt with more information and description. Organize your thoughts, and don’t forget to practice.


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