tiếng Anh online―11Talk Adventurous (Tính từ) Ý nghĩa: Willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences. thích mạo hiểm Sentence: Jonathon is also adventurous when…
オンライン英会話―11Talk Adventurous (形容詞) 意味 :Willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences. 冒険好きな, 危険なほど大胆な. 例文 Jonathon is also adventurous when it comes to fashion ideas;…
영어회화 표현 레슨 – 화상영어 전문 파인스토킹(Pinestalking) Adventurous (형용사) 의미 :Willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences. 모험을 즐기는, 모험적인,용기가 필요한, 흥미진진한 예문 Jonathon…
Remarkable 形容詞: extraordinary , exceptional , amazing , 目立った、並外れた、注目に値する 例文: I had a remarkable summer vacation in the Philippines. 会話文: シチュエーション 1: Sharing travel details to friends Oliver : You…
Remarkable adj: extraordinary , exceptional , amazing , (Tuyệt vời, đáng nhớ ) Example: I had a remarkable summer vacation in the Philippines. Dialog: Situation 1: Sharing travel details to…
영어회화 표현 – 화상영어 전문 파인스토킹(Pinestalking) Remarkable adj: extraordinary , exceptional , amazing , (놀라운, 놀랄 만한, 주목할 만한) 예문: I had a remarkable summer vacation in the Philippines. 대화문:…
Learn English Online ~ Know the Difference: Journey, Travel, Trip
Journey (N): –> Go from one place or another (long duration), usually without planning to go back. Example: My journey to Finland took 16 hours with 4-hour layover. Travel (N/V):…
To Be In Deep Water
TO BE IN DEEP WATER to be in trouble / to be in a difficult situation (gặp khó khăn) Example: You are going to be in deep water if you…
To Be In Deep Water
TO BE IN DEEP WATER to be in trouble / to be in a difficult situation (非常な困難に陥っている) 例文: You are going to be in deep water if you don’t go…
To Be In Deep Water
영어회화 표현 – 파인스토킹 TO BE IN DEEP WATER to be in trouble / to be in a difficult situation (곤경에 처한, 궁지에 빠진) 예문: You are going to be…
Learn English Online: Two wrongs don’t make a right
Two wrongs don’t make a right It is not acceptable to do something bad to someone just because he/she had wronged you Revenge is not acceptable SENTENCE: You cannot keep…
Learn English Online -Word of the Week:Adventurous
Adventurous (Adjective) Meaning :Willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences. Sentence Jonathon is also adventurous when it comes to fashion ideas; he is not…
Learn English Online ~ Word of the Day: Remarkable (Pinestalking)
Remarkable adj: extraordinary , exceptional , amazing , SENTENCE: I had a remarkable summer vacation in the Philippines DIALOGUE: Situation 1: Sharing travel details to friends Oliver : You look…
Learn English Online ~ To Be In Deep Water
TO BE IN DEEP WATER to be in trouble / to be in a difficult situation SENTENCE: You are going to be in deep water if you don’t go home…
Be in the same boat
BE IN THE SAME BOAT In a similar situation / In the same position as someone else 同じ境遇にいる,運命・危険を共にする 例文: In this group project, we have to help each other as…