passive voice
The Passive Voice is used to sound more formal and impersonal. Moreover, it is used to emphasize a person or an object experiencing an action rather than performing it. So when should the passive voice be used?
1. The doer of the action is unknown.
Example: The paintings of the museum were made around the year 1988. [We don’t know who made them]
2. The doer of the action is irrelevant:
Example: An experimental vaccine will be launched by the end of the year. [It is not important who made the vaccine]
3. You want to be unclear about who is responsible for the action.
Example: Mistakes were made. [Not sure by who, but the actions were done by someone]
4. You are talking about a general truth.
Example: Rules are made to be broken [by anyone, anytime]

Why is this useful for IELTS?
The Passive Voice is particularly used in writing tasks in the IELTS exams particularly in reports where a more formal style of writing is needed.

Remember that the passive voice is always formed with a conjugated form of “to be” plus the verb’s past participle.

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