An extreme way of studying English is communicating with your foreign friends AND doing something different like – HIKING! In this part of our blog. Here’s the story of our Korean and Japanese students who break into an intense way of learning English.

The Only Rule: English only Policy while hiking the mountains of Baguio City, Philippines.

It took 30 minutes by jeepney to reach the starting point of Mt. Kalugong from Pines International Academy. There’s no traffic! so It is an easy access for everyone.


The walk! students pass by big houses, muddy roads and barking dogs! that’s true- dogs were barking but don’t worry they are harmless, they just want to show off.

Look at how cute Bella is~!
Wow! Meet the F3 – Moto, Deil and Tomoki


The climb wasn’t hard but the most interesting part is reaching the top of the mountain! The trail here is a little bit dangerous so be sure to have strong and none slippery shoes. This part made the students break the rule. They spoke in their own languages! kkk, it is because of the level of difficulty of these big rocks! lol

Woah, look at Deil enjoying the top of the place!


Aside from the 360 view, There’s also a cafe located on top! yes! a CAFE.

PEACE. Oh, how cute!

The cafe has amazing beverages and it really helped quench the thirsty feeling of everyone! This is where Everyone enjoyed talking to each other using the English language to communicate, they shared stories, they laughed at the funny situations they encountered while walking like the difficulty of the rocks way.

The coffee shop also has a comfortable place to enjoy the view of the whole city.


See how their background tells the beauty of the mountain. ALSO, hiking in Baguio city is not as difficult as you thing, the weather helps because of the fresh air and cold wind. You don’t have to put so many sun blocks to protects your skin since the sun is not so damaging as you think.

Enjoy learning with your friends and build memories that you will forever keep with Pines International Academy because studying English in the Philippines will never ever be boring!

Thank you for choosing the Best English Academy Everyone! To read more tips on traveling, visit our website and learn more about our school and our amazing student stories!

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Article: Marianne Rabang