菲律賓語言學校費用, 2018菲律賓遊學團, 菲律賓遊學經驗, 菲律賓遊學, 유학, 어학원, 단기 영어 강의, 성인을 위한 필리핀에서의, フィリピンへ格安で留学するには, 格安学校, フィリピンで英語を学ぶ, 英語を習う, フィリピン 英語 学校 , 英国学校, 菲律宾, 学习英语, English course in the Philippines, Study english in the Philippines, Study ielts in the Philippines, study ielts in baguio, trung tâm luyện thi ielts, học ielts ở đâu tốt, du học Philippines, học tiếng anh ở Philippines, เรียนภาษาอังกฤษที่บาเกียว, เรียนภาษาอังกฤษในต่างประเทศ, 海外で英語を学ぶ, 오픽 학원, Philippine English academy, ielts, 필리핀어학연수추천, 필리핀어학원추천, 顶级的英语学校, 最好的英語學校,



To pass or progress quickly and easily (快速轻松地通过或进步)


  1. I was so nervous about the test but when the results came in, I was relieved because I sailed through
  2. I really wanted my piano skills to level up, but my teacher said I sailed through enough that she saw a big improvement.
  3. You would sail through in school if you just studied hard.


*情况 1

ASTRID: Hey! How’s the college entrance examination going? I was told that they quite changed the questions.

MERIDA: Yep, you’re right, but  I think I sailed through it though it was quite hard.

ASTRID: That’s good news! I hope you’ll pass the exam, so I can see you around the campus next school year.

MERIDA: Yeah!I hope so too. Thanks!

*情况 2

HARRY: Good day Ron. I see you’ve been practicing so hard for the recitals this weekend.

RON: Yeah, I am. Actually, I’m very nervous. What if I can‘t play the violin really well as they expect?

HARRY: Oh, don’t be too hard on yourself, I know you will sail through it and your music will be really good.

RON: You think so? Well, thanks Harry![/vc_column_text][us_sharing type=”outlined” align=”center” facebook=”1″ twitter=”1″ gplus=”1″ linkedin=”1″ pinterest=”1″ vk=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]