Either / or pinestalking 11talk English lesson

여러분 외국인과 대화하실 때, 항상 같은 단어만 쓰고 계시지 않으신가요? 🙂

상대방에게 두 가지의 선택지 중 한 가지를 선택하도록 제시할 때 사용할 수 있는 표현, “Either A or B” 을 사용해 보시는 것은 어떠신가요?

Either A or B의 A, B의 자리에는 여러가지 품사가 올 수 있으나, 명사, 형용사, 동사, 전치사구,문장이 많이 사용 됩니다. 그리고 긍정적인 의미의 문장에서 사용 되는 것도 기억해 주세요!

Either A or B 의미:  A 혹은 B 둘 중 하나, A 아니면 B

실생활 속 대화문
상황 # 1: Jeremy asks Cary to choose the weekend activity in Chicago 
“We can either check Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina Musical featuring an original music from the award-winning composer Ilya Demutsky or the Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama’s famous Infinity Mirror Rooms featuring blend art and science installation.”


Cary: This is our first weekend in Chicago, and I’m so excited to check out the events in the city.

Jeremy: You are absolutely right! I was just checking out the events and there were numerous interesting ones we could attend to.

Cary: We can only choose one to go to because of our preparation for the gala. I do not want to be late and exhausted for the evening event.

Jeremy:   There are 16 amazing events, but I have narrowed down our choices to 2. We can either check Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina’s ballet and musical featuring an original music from the award-winning composer Ilya Demutsky or the Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama’s famous Infinity Mirror Rooms featuring blend art and science installation.

Cary: Let’s go to the Anna Karenina Musical to prepare our mood for the gala.



상황 # 2: Dina is on a strict diet. Every fitness trainer discusses the possible choices with her.
“You can either enjoy 2 slices of homemade strawberry cake or make a 4-layer blueberry pancake.”  


Dina: Grace I’ll have my cheat day tomorrow. What can I possibly do for dessert, and I also need the specific amount of servings. It is really important to me.

Grace: You can either enjoy 2 slices of homemade strawberry cake or make a 4-layer blueberry pancake.


Dina: Can I have both? Oh my gosh.This has been a constant struggle.

Grace: Well done for the fitness program I made, I think you can only choose 1 from the options I have prepared. If you want to have both, we will have extended hours of physical training next week.

Dina: Hmmm … that would be quite challenging.Alright, I’ll choose the 4-layer blueberry pancake.

Grace: Good girl! The key to successful fitness journey is self-control.


+지식 덧붙이기

Either A or B 가 주어로 쓰일 경우, 동사는 B에 수일치 시켜주셔야 합니다!

Either you or I am wrong. (O)

Either you or I are wrong. (X)

B자리에 「I (나)」가 있기 때문에 동사는 「am」 이 와야합니다.


Either you or Minji lives in Seoul. (O)

Either you or Minji live in Seoul. (X)

B자리에 「Minji (3인칭 단수)」가 있기 때문에 동사는 「lives」 가 와야합니다.


Either my car or her car has a flat. (O)

Either my car and her car have a flat.  (X)

B자리에 「 her car (3인칭 단수)」가 있기 때문에 동사는 「has」 가 와야합니다.


Either A or B 의 쓰임 감이 잡히셨나요? 🙂




영어회화는 실전!
파인스토킹 ( Pinestalking ) 강사진과의 무료 수업에서 직접 사용해 보시는 건 어떠신가요? 🙂
파인스토킹(pinestalking) 무료 수업 제공중!


【무료수업 신청하기】

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파인스토킹 ( Pines Talking ) 홈페이지: englishblog.net