As promised here’s part 2 of your guide in using “Every” and “Each”. There are instances when we are still confused in using the 2. Here are the rules you need to remember.

Use “Every” with its partner adverbs: almost, nearly, practically

Practically, every person in the room had watched all Twilight movies.

Nearly every attendee has a background in banking and finances.

Almost every basketball player had at some point attended the training camp sponsored by Kobe Bryant.

Every + singular noun to refer to individual members of a group 

There’s a kept profile of every child in the orphanage.

Every coach was given benefits.

When every refers to the subject of the clause, we use a singular verb:

Every actress wants to be recognized.

We use singular pronouns and possessives to refer back to every + noun, especially in more formal styles, and especially when what we refer to is not human:

Every mall has a reliable security system.

***In less formal styles, the pronoun or possessive may be plural:

Every student gets a laptop. They have to give it back at the end of the course.

Every user has their own password.

Each as a Pronoun

Each + pronouns and possessives

We use each with plural pronouns and possessives, especially when we don’t want to say he/she, women/men, etc.:

Each person who joins the yoga gets a free care package,and they get a pass to bring a friend for the next session.

 (To avoid saying “each man and woman and heshe” 

“Each person and they” can be used.)

Each member of the community should take pride in their local environment

Each referring to a subject

“Each”  usually appears in the normal mid position for adverbs, between the subject and the main verb, 

We each confirmed to attend the New Year’s Eve Dinner.

After the modal verb or first auxiliary verb, or after be as a main verb- when used to refer to a subject:

We would each prepare food for the occasion.

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