In general, life gives us a handful of different experiences in our careers and/or studies every day. With that, we oftentimes lose sight of the small things that are justly pivotal to our daily survival and success. Focusing on the bad things that are happening to us is a betrayal not just to our own confidence and self-worth, but to the presence of others as well.
This is why giving compliments, even for something so trivial, is highly recommended. Why you might wonder? Well, it is because our words are powerful, when used properly, the impact will last longer than expected and also, words can change a perspective. One polite expression of admiration and the inspiring remark is a proven solution to do so.
In this blog, to make a compliment more pleasing, we convert it to a simile.
A simile is a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, but highlights their similarities using comparison words such as “like”, “as”, “so”, or “than”.
Here are eight (8) samples of how to compliment someone with simile:
1. Your smile is like magic; it delights my soul.
This compliment is for someone who impresses you in ways you can’t explain just by directing a beaming smile at you.
Example: It is so nice to see you… as always, your smile is like magic, it delights my soul.
2. Your thoughts are as stunning as the rainbow.
When having a deep conversation with someone, they will greatly appreciate this one as it will encourage them to stay enthusiastic.
Example: Talking with you is fascinating. Your thoughts are as stunning as the rainbow.
3. You are like an art, so eloquent and unique.

This compliment is for people who you consider rare because of their character and personality. This compliment goes well with the ones you adore the most.
Example: You are like an art, so eloquent and unique. Thank you for being my paragon of beauty and elegance.
4. You are as beautiful as the cherry blossom.

A compliment for someone who captivates you with their unrivaled allure and beauty.
Example: I truly fancy how I can compare your beauty to many things, but above it all, you are as beautiful as the cherry blossom.
5. Being with you is like paradise.
This is for the ones who give you relief or a feeling of euphoria.
Example: I appreciate how you make my day blissful. Indeed, being with you is like paradise. Let’s talk again soon.
6. Chatting with you is as relaxing as the ocean breeze.
Just like the above-mentioned compliment, this is also for the people who calm you just by having a talk with them, most especially when you greatly needed advice. It is for someone special like your best friend or therapist who talks you out of your anxiety and frustration.
Example: I have been feeling down lately but chatting with you is as relaxing as the ocean breeze. For that, I am beyond grateful.
7. Moments shared with you are far more valuable than gold.
This compliment is for people with whom you shared many adventures or experiences with. You probably grew up with them or studied together… either way, let them know how much you treasure them.
Example: I just realized how we’ve been best friends forever. Moments shared with you are far more valuable than gold. Happy anniversary to us.
8. English is a significant part of my life and so is our friendship.
This one is for someone with whom you have been studying English with. As you progress together, make sure to keep your connection solid and steady.
Example: I hope we’d continue to work on our studies side by side because I just realized that English is a significant part of my life and so is our friendship.
There are many ways to motivate people, but the most facile trick is to make them feel good about themselves. So your mission this weekend, with this blog as your guide, is to compliment as many people as you can because the most alluring thing in the world is watching the light come on in someone’s eyes. Turn a simple gesture to a vivid act of kindness.
And oh, by the way, you can book a class with well-trained teachers to study English at