您是否曾经感到过压力,并且想做的就是吃很多东西? 这就是精确输出的方式。大多数人称其为暴饮暴食或过量进食。因此,让我们检查一下这两种情况,这些情况将描述那些有志于冲出去的人的感觉。

表达方式: Pig out (短语动词)

含义: 非正式的说法是“吃大量食物”

句子:  My friends and I have been pigging out due to hell week stress.

情况#1 Fit Friends在“cheat day”外出并吃了很多食物

Bev: I always look forward to having this weekend get-together

Otis: I get what you mean! You are looking forward to pigging out with us Bev.

Martin: I have the same feeling with Bev because we’ve been eating clean food for the last 5 days.

Kendra: I love the thought of eating layered pancakes and bacon. Happy cheat day guys 🙂

Sam: I’m starving! Let’s start eating our delicious pancakes!


BlairChuck dumped me Serena. I want us to go somewhere coz I’m in the mood of pigging out instead of wallowing in my room.

Serena : OMG! Let’s go for food therapy at the nearest French restaurant and order the best food from the menu and drink champagne

Blair: All I have in my mind right now is eat the most delicious foods.

Serena: Let’s head out and start pigging out.