Our lifestyle has dramatically changed because of the pandemic, and it has made our self-care method challenging. What are the things you know about self-care? In today’s blog post, we will learn words and expressions related to self-care.
What is self-care?
Self-care is an activity we deliberately do to nurture ourselves mentally, physically, and emotionally. We do this once in a while to develop well-being that leads to a balanced life.
New Words
(n.) /welˈbiː.ɪŋ/
Definition: the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.
Sample Sentence:
Eating good food improves your physical and mental well-being.
Sample Conversation
A: I have started including proper diet and fitness in my lifestyle this year.
B: I envy you because you have the dedication to maintain it.
A: Our well-being is important especially nowadays that we cannot go out to explore the world.
B: I agree with you. Our well-being improvement is just within our reach now that we are just at home.
B) Indulge – Indulgence
(v)/ɪnˈdʌldʒ/ , (n) /ɪnˈdʌl.dʒəns/
Definition: allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of doing something
Sample Sentence:
I plan to indulge in Nexflix binge-watching this holiday.
Sample Conversation
A: I’m exhausted this week. I’m glad we’re hitting Friday fast.
B: I am planning to indulge in skincare online shopping.
A: Somehow, I just want to indulge in eating desserts and Netflix binge-watching this weekend.
B: Definitely. I still have some sheet masks left and a bottle of wine. That’s going to be my weekend indulgence.
Digital Detox:
a period of time during which you do not use mobile phones, computers, etc., because you usually use these devices too much.
Sample Sentence:
I’ll go on a digital detox this weekend because I am exhausted from seeing stressful content on my social media feeds.
Sample Conversation:
A: I’ll be going on a digital detox this weekend.
B: It means we cannot reach you online?
A: Yes, but I’ll be sending all my replies next Monday via chat and email.
B: Thanks for informing us. Probably, it’s good if we practice digital detox once in a while.
Unplugging from technology
Meaning: Turning off your electronic device like smartphone, tv ,computer and others.
Sample Sentence:
Don’t spread yourself too thin for the Olympic games; take a rest from the practice.
Sample Conversation
A: I’m gonna go camping this weekend.
B: Oh! That’s a nice time to unplug from the technology
A: Be closer to nature too.
B: Yup, I wish I could join you and Cindy.
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